

Ask more questions

Image | Blog | Blank Image Ask More Questions

As coaches one of our our biggest gifts is that we listen, actively. 

What this looks like:

  • We pay attention 
  • We don’t listen with the intent to respond…we listen with the intent to understand. 

How do our clients know that we are listening to them?

We encourage our clients to continue speaking with verbal cues, like yes, and our body language is fully engaged. 

And then we provide feedback with encouragement…

  • We ask questions
  • Reflect by repeating back what has been said in our own…

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Are you there?

Image | Blog | Blank Image Girl Smiling

You chatted with a potential client on Facebook and asked them if they would like a free short coaching session with you. You make the appointment. You are excited about the prospect. 

The day rolls around and you get ready. Notebook out, paper, pen, this is gonna be good.

Then…5 minutes roll by…10 minutes roll by…15 minutes roll by.

You realize that they are a no show.

You send them a follow up email.

Days pass…weeks pass.

And no response. 

What a let down. 

Here’s the thing…lots of coa…

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Positive Action & Positive Thinking

Image | Blog | Blank Image Girl With Umbrella

“Your positive action combined with positive thinking results in success.” —Shiv Khera

What positive actions have you taken today for your business? What positive actions have you taken for your family? For yourself?

Ex. I would love to get more clients into a new group I am starting.

Okay, first step.

I will tell everyone I know what I am doing.

How will I do that?

I will call 5 friends or family members today.


Ex. I would love to cook a healthy meal for my family tonight.


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Comparison wall

Image | Blog | Blank Image Glasses & Book

Comparing yourself to others…

“Oh look how well she is doing in her business, if only I could…”

“Oh wow, I wish I had what he has…”

“If only I were as talented as…”

I don’t know about you…but when I go down that path it’s a super slippery slope. I end up feeling worse and less confident. It can become a HUGE pity party.

I’ve paid attention to this and when I catch myself comparing I use it as an opportunity to learn  something new about that person or the thing they are really good at. 

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Image | Blog | Blank Image Coffee Begin

For some of us this is the hardest part of a new endeavor. We’ve been thinking about doing something for a while now, we’ve even told people about it.

But how do we actually begin and break through FEAR?

Try this simple exercise: 

Get out a piece of paper and pen 

Make two columns

On one side write FEAR  at the top, and the other write  GO FOR IT

Under the FEAR column write down all of your fears that are connected to starting this process.

Under the GO FOR IT column write down everythi…

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New Year’s Decisions

Image | Blog | Blank Image Woman Holding Jan 01 2017 Calendar

Happy New Year! 

I don’t make RESOLUTIONS. 


Because I don’t keep them. 

Instead I make DECISIONS. 

Here are a few…

  1. Walk everyday
  2. Drink more water
  3. Read 30 minutes daily
  4. Spend more time with my family
  5. Watch less TV

I love putting my decisions up on a large poster board. What we hold in mind tends to manifest, and if we put reminders around us of what we want, we stay focused. 

The New Year is a chance to edit your life. It’s your masterpiece after all.

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Get excited about what you do

Image | Blog | Blank Image Kids Playing

Have you noticed yourself scrolling through Facebook and seeing your friends having a blast and doing so many fun things…This might bring up envy, longing or even sadness about your own life. If this happens to you try this…

Imagine you are someone else peeping into the life story of yourself. 

Do you look happy? Do you have good people around you? Are you having fun?

How about taking a day trip and going for hike? Beginning a new art class you’ve been wanting to take, learning something ne…

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Do you believe

Image | Blog | Blank Image Believe In Yourself

Do you believe…

  • That you can build enroll clients?
  • Build a sustainable business?
  • Leverage your time and hire a team?
  • Hit 6-figures and maintain it month after month?
  • Hit 7-figures and continue to grow?

Self limiting beliefs have the power to paralyze us in mid step, shy away from something that feels too hard, and don’t allow us to own our space.

This can be especially hard when we have our own business. You are the energy behind our life’s work. What you feel and represent flows thro…

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Touch the heart of someone you love

Image | Blog | Blank Image Candle Burning

I love spending holiday time with my family, making a fire and cuddling with my husband and animals on the couch. 

My daughter usually comes to visit and we go on long walks by the beach. 

Over the years our conversations have grown and changed as she gets older. I love seeing her mature and enjoy how our relationship has evolved.

This holiday season, how about picking up the phone, writing an email, or sending a text to someone you haven’t been in touch with for a while. It can be a really n…

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Live in the yes and the yes will live in you

Image | Blog | Blank Image Girl Holding Flower

“Every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being re-directed to something better.” ― Steve Maraboli

Your potential client didn’t follow through and book another call with you. You got another no.


We’ve all experienced it. We’ve all dwelled in it. We’ve all taken it personally.

Sometimes when someone says no, we think it us. Then our self confidence starts to waver and we put ourselves down with thoughts of inadequacy. 

It often can feel like a …

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