

Puppy Wisdom

Image | Blog | Blank Image Puppy

Over thinking can lead to inaction. 

My daughter recently got a new puppy, Arlo. She brought him to visit this summer. We played a lot. I noticed how he just took action, didn’t stop to think about getting the ball, but went for it.

Puppy’s are fully engrossed in the moment. 

And when they misbehave..we say “No! and then “good boy”

If you find yourself overthinking, try a simpler, easy way to stop.

Say “NO” 

out loud——

Wherever you are. 

In the car.

At the supermarket.

Watching TV.


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Yes you can

Image | Blog | Man Overlooking Mountains

When someone says you can’t…what do you do?

We’ve all had someone in our lives, or several people for that matter, who have told us “you can’t”. You can’t do this, you can’t do that…it’s not gonna work.

How do you react when a negative blast comes your way? 

Usually, I find, that when someone tells me I can’t, they are saying “I can’t”. Maybe they’ve tried in the past to make something work and were also told, “you can’t”. People constantly project their own fears and anxieties on us, and it …

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Thanksgiving thoughts

Image | Blog | Blank Image Apples & Leaves

Thanksgiving is almost here. The air is crisp, the leaves are changing colors and it feels like a time of change.

I love when the seasons change. It reminds me that is nothing is permanent and gives me a sense of starting over.

It also reminds me of all the wonderful people in my life. 

My family, friends, clients, coaches.

I wonder….what if everyday was thanksgiving? 

More smiles…

More giving…

More forgiveness…

More love…

Thank you for reading this. I am truly grateful.

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Out of clutter, find simplicity

Image | Blog | Blank Image Messy Desk

 “Out of clutter, find Simplicity. From discord, find Harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies Opportunity.” Albert Einstein

When I am feel doubt creeping up on me, I go to my office, stand in the middle of it  and look around. I ask myself “what needs my attention today?”  Well, today it was my desk.

Phew, now I can see what is actually on my desk…hmmm…that was simple enough:)

And then  I felt that doubt creeping back up on me again…hmmm…so I thought “where is the book of daily motivation…

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​​Let yourself shine

Image | Blog | Bank Image Girl with String Lights

Shyness. Hiding. Staying Small. 

Even as coaches, as open as we are, it is still difficult to talk about ourselves and what we do. There is a FEAR of looking salesy. I get it. And there is a way around it. Be YOU. 

Be friendly. Smile. Make eye contact. Let people know what you do by letting them ASK you. Talking about your business is just as important as making your business happen. 

  • Networking
  • Yoga Class
  • Meet UPs
  • Church/Synagogue 

Are places you can connect live and in person with p…

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Fall into fall

Image | Blog | Blank Image Man Jumping

 I often notice my clients focusing on the small details of their business and worrying about what could go wrong. 

I challenge them to ask themselves “What could go right?”

Create a 4 week plan for yourself and break it down into 20 minute tasks. Do a task everyday that works towards your goal. Write your goal down and tape it to your front door, your bathroom mirror, your car dash, the wallpaper on your phone. Look your goal in the eye and commit 1000%. 

Ask for help. Get support. Start a…

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Imagine your life 10 years from now…

Image | Blog | Blank Image Imagine

What does it look like? 

Where do you live?

What does your business look like? 

What does your financial situation look like?

How many clients do you have?

Do you have space/money/time in your life to take a vacation?

Visualize what your living situation looks like. 

Visualize what your daily routine looks like. 

Visualize all of the people you have helped and are helping. 

Look at all you have to look forward to! Remember to keep the goals in sight, but not let them be your primary f…

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Invest in you

Image | Blog | Blank Image Dollar Bill

Many years ago, when I first started the coaching business I felt a bit lost. I had been coming from years of being a therapist and needed some guidance. 

I did some research online about classes and coaches who could help me. I felt some resistance coming up. I didn’t want to spend money on this! I didn’t think I needed this. But in actuality, I did.

I decided to try a session with a business coach.

After the session, I evaluated how I was feeling. I felt listened to, understood, lighter &…

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Orange, yellow, green & gold

Image | Blog | Blank Image Leaves

 I woke up this morning to a gray sky. 

Fall is here.

It’s getting cold.

The leaves are changing colors 

and falling off of the trees 

and it’s getting dark earlier in the day.

Fall always makes me think of animals getting ready to go into hibernation. 

Gathering food and supplies for the long, cold winter.

It feels like the perfect time to start a new project that I’ve been putting off. 

Even a little bit of time every day makes a difference.  Consistency is a recipe for success. 


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People love to connect to you

Image | Blog | Blank Image Woman & Man Coffee

I know I’ve probably said this before in some other way, but I really can’t say it enough and in enough ways to stress how crucial this is to anything you do in your biz…

Relationship is EVERYTHING. It is the most important business building tool you have.

If you don’t have relationships that are building and blossoming and allowing you to connect, it will not matter how good your website is or your BRAND… you won’t get clients.

If you aren’t connecting with your current clients and your po…

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