Business Mentor Susan Epstein

Mastermind Expert


Highly Profitable Practice Offers

Expert Masterclasses

Susan empowers you to create a realistic plan, move through fear and implement the psychology of selling to get clients without unnecessary time and expense.

Personal Mentoring

Highly Profitable Practice offers business coaching and mentoring to help you get clients by building and filling a mastermind for maximum business growth. Our successful and expertly trained coaches offer you strategic mindset, training in the psychology of selling and authentic connection.

Mastermind Coaching

Our Mastermind collaborates to solve problems, set goals, and leverage the collective expertise for maximum business growth through the psychology of selling and strategic mindset. Susan’s business coaching and mentoring leads you through challenges to get clients.

What I Do

Group Design and The Psychology of Selling

Receive personalized strategic mindset on how to create and fill your coaching group, while making an impact and setting yourself up for long-term business growth. Susan specializes in the psychology of selling to help you get clients. With her business coaching and mentoring, transform fear into calm confidence, allowing your ideal leads to practically sign themselves up.

How We Work

  • Set you up with a strategic mindset
  • Design a plan that gives you sustainable results
  • Leverage your leadership skills 
  • Maximize your business growth
  • Give you more time to do the things you love

“I have successfully used Susan’s approach to easily grow my business from 2 paying clients when I started with her to 15 paying clients and I’ve doubled my per session rates.”

Laurie Hall | Trauma Coach

“Within 4 weeks, I’d filled my group. If you want to start a group, definitely work with Susan. She’s got a terrific proven system - it’s simple, it’s fun and it works!”

Nina Cooke | Money Mindset Coach

"Susan’s strategic mindset allowed me to transition to business coaching and mentoring and man did it work! In 3 weeks, I signed up 10 clients and brought in over $30,000!"

Dan Hoffman | Business Growth Coach

Create Your Group or Mastermind