Starting Over

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“Nothing in the universe can stop you from letting go and starting over.” 

—Guy Finley

You are over what you have been doing for 10 plus years. You feel like you are dragging your feet in the mud. And you want change. Now.

What do you have to do first?


In order to start over and move forward we have to make a decision. 

The decision is to decide to CHANGE.

I started over two years ago. I had been doing parenting coaching and health coaching for years and was starting to feel drained. 

I brainstormed. I wrote a lot. I hired a coach. 

And then I had a realization—-

What had I been doing all of these years?

Running my own business.

I knew the in’s and out’s and the do’s and don’ts and knew I had something to offer others who were looking to start their own businesses. 

So, I thought, why not? 

Business coaching. Coaching coaches, therapists, healers…

And guess what?

I feel more aligned. I feel like this is what I am meant to be doing right now. Simply put, it feels right. 

I am sure that some time in the distant future something else may feel even MORE right. I’ll listen to that then. Right now. I’m good. Better than that actually. DEVOTED to YOU.


Esther Shelley

Love this!  I can so relate to it!  I have been running a local business.  A wellness clinic.  So I am now coaching small local business professionals on how to get local leads.  I know how to do that.  I am doing it in my clinic, so it's very natural to support others in their journey as well.  And yes, it feels so Right!

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Susan Epstein

So excited that you are feeling this, too Esther! Thanks so much for commenting xo

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