People love to connect to you

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I know I’ve probably said this before in some other way, but I really can’t say it enough and in enough ways to stress how crucial this is to anything you do in your biz…

Relationship is EVERYTHING. It is the most important business building tool you have.

If you don’t have relationships that are building and blossoming and allowing you to connect, it will not matter how good your website is or your BRAND… you won’t get clients.

If you aren’t connecting with your current clients and your potential clients, you won’t have a sustainable business. People will follow and will LOVE to connect with you. 

One of the best ways to connect with people is to get on a face to face zoom call.

It doesn’t take a lot of effort or time to connect by talking one on one. You’ll be able to get to know the person you’re talking to and you’ll be able to tell if this person is a fit for any of your programs or offers. The guess work of a big, complicated funnel is gone when you’re connecting one on one.


  • Be sure you have a nurturing email sequence that gives a ton of value  to warm up new leads  so that you can invite them to a zoom call later.  
  • Be sure to respond to the people that comment on your posts on social media, emails, and blog posts. 
  • The purpose of content is to engage and to build relationships…so remember that’s why you are doing it.

Leave a comment and share with me:

  1. I have a nurturing email sequence that is automated to warm up my leads
  2. I am currently building relationships that lead to client sign ups on social media
  3. I’m confused about all of this I haven’t done it and could use some guidance


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